Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Just Try To Pull Me Down (Calf Clawers)

The way I see it you can say whatever you want about me. It wont change who I am and what I was born to do. In fact you just told me exactly what you want to be doing for the rest of your life. Bringing people down to your level.

The Giver

I honestly dont have anything else to say.
positive or negative.
I give out so much I never stop to think about receiving.
guess i dont deserve... "Love."
Because if I give in to my desire to only recieve,
Where does that path lead?
What happens to me?
"Love's is gone, Love's lost" I believe Drake got it right
Yet my silly heart always puts up a fight.
My brain already know the end, that's why I choose not think again
The truth hurts, whoever said that deserves an Oscar
I'm through with this emotion and you, I clearly hit the ground
It hurts that I had to give you a clue
For that I'll give you another one
Adios my good friend, it's time to change my view

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Monday, December 20, 2010

The Drop Off Point

What do you do when your reach a low point. Lately I feel like it's been a string of lows I have no idea how to get out of. I don't have any way of knowing what I should do, I don't even have a better view on what to do. Maybe we are all experiencing low after low it's just something that we all fail to know.

The So Called Quitter

To be honest I was thinking about taking a break from writing. Everytime my pen touches paper there is only one emotion I can seem to write about. The second I try to write about something else it shifts back, and I'm really tired of that. So for now you can call this the end but... in reality its only a long beginning

Friday, December 17, 2010

The No Plan Man

I unlike most people find no joy in planning anything, usually it never works out and the randomness of life never fails to surprise and entertain.

The Tunnel (New Names, Same Game)

As you all might know this blog was named "Only Time Will Tell" but recently time has told... but now I'm trying to figure out what it means? Is love meant for me? If so how come all I find is rejection and heartache? I can already tell I have a long way to go.

Dreams... What Do They Really Mean

 It reads: Tell me why I fell asleep and I saw a picture of a gingerbread house, and I seen another and another of the same hous and after a while your name popped up on it... then mines did... What does this mean?

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Happy Ending/Beginning

Our conversations will always bring light to my face
Lately my seems heart seems healed up maybe it's heaven's grace
I guess we all need to learn to grow up for goodness sake
I believe I hurt you too, maybe as bad as you hurt me boo
But I'm glad we talked it out, never would have heard your side about
It let me finish my last thought, thinking of how much better it is now
Brings a warmness to my heart, not that hollow broken feeling I got
I'm glad that I got over myself, and this came to a conclusion too.
I believe this is the end of "Only Time Will Tell" dude....

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

My Own Personal Fall

It comes to my attention that I hurt you... and that's something I would never want to willingly do again even by accident. I know now that I may be the asshole of this story and I need to grow up, and so I shall.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Very Wrong (But) True Lie

If you ask me I'm going to lie and say it doesn't matter
That my feeling for you where as mythical as a satyr
But in fact I try very hard to hide their existence
Now you see why I be making a fist?
"Every girl you truly like or fall for is taken you twit
Love is for the fit!"
My brain is truly an asshole
Holding all that negativity in them folds
Now back to the lie that keeps being sold
It's the reason why I'm feeling this low
I really do like you, and I came super close
To telling your how i really felt
Yea I know you have a boyfriend why am I still pursuing?
Do I only covet what's not mines?
To me you truly are more than fine
Your beautiful in every way, you can even say a dime
But I can't ever tell you... I already lied....

The Heart Dive

Do you know what I want you to do?
To break up with your boyfriend so it'll be just me and you
But that's just my inner childish view
My mature side knows that's not gonna happen
The best thing for me is to move on without distraction
I can't give in to my inner need for satisfaction
I'm honestly sad that this has even happened
I wish I kept my heart strapped in
Because I was ready to give it to you
You didn't notice and I SWEAR thats not even cool
It's like I handed you my heart and you through it in the pool
The deep end, just knowing I cant even swim
But here I dive trying to save it
You can't just give your heart to anybody
My doctor say's I need it to pump blood through my body
Now-a-Days when I see you my heart remember what you did
I'm not telling a fib, but it still hurts.

Love(1)+No Love(-1)=Heartache(0)

With all that's happened I have forgotten the definition of a chance
Because it seems everyone I take leads my life into a slant
It's like I'm a washed out rapper looking for fans
But in the end I guess people don't really give a damn
My life so far is 1 long math problem why give it a chance?
I know even if I ask you woldn't save me the last dance
It's as simple as that you don't love me
I'm not gonna stick around and be a doormat at your feet
I love you, but I don't deserve that
It's time for me to trim this extra fat
It's as simple as a face slap
I have to move on, I can't keep asking for your love on loan
I'm one of the few who didn't just want "some"
I hope you have the best life and all
It's just sad that I'm not gonna be in it in the upcoming fall.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Grand Canyon I Call My Love Life

To be honest it's honestly getting to the point where every girl I actually truly like has a boyfriend, and half the time their no good. My luck is nonexistent to me at the moment :(

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Love Isn't For Me

To be honest I'm getting sick of writing about love, a future where they release white doves, at this point I dont think it's for me, because everytime i get my feelings involved, the entire relationship revolves and leaves me sitting on my ass, why did I even try because after I told I wasn't getting the right vibes. As you can see love really isn't for me.

Boy Meets Girl

I remember when we first met, from then on i think a great feeling had been set

Unrequited Love

Sometimes I honestly have nothing to write... no txt's to type... because I'm alone, and thats the way I guess it has to be

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Unsaid Words = Broken Hearts

I have so many words and verbs that I want to say and do with you.
But wait why should I even pursue?
The idea of rejection is keeping me down
(Side Note) I like the way my name sounds
Coming from your lips it always sends me on a happy trip
A happy day those are things I affiliate with you
But no those day's are gone and it's so dark I doubt I'll ever see dawn
It's midnight forever and I thought my future was going to get better
You gave me a reason to wake up with a smile now I sleep with a frown
Better days, that's what I'm looking for
But their is no love out there for you stupid boy
My brain keeps telling me...
Maybe you should start craving pedigree it seems like all the dogs have a girl
But didn't a good girl put your life into a twirl?
A twister touching down in the fall.
I don't think you know, but all things matter big or small.
Without you, my heart slows to a crawl...
Technically I'm legally dead.
But I'm getting bored with these metaphors so I'm going to bed.

Common - I Want You

Now this is my #1 relatable song i can listen to it on repeat all day and i have before

Drake - Thrill is Gone

This song REALLY hits the spot.

The Break Up Song by "Wale"

This is 1 of my favorite songs...

My Inner Thoughts Part 2: Is It Over?

I don't feel the same (hurt and depressed) like I did a few weeks ago. But oddly enough if I even see a photo of her I get 6 different emotions at the same time and my heart beats faster. It's even worse when I saw her in person, I'm still trying to find out what the heck should I do?

Friday, December 3, 2010

My World Is... Gone

My world is burning down, where are you now? and why do you always turn my smiles into frowns?

The Hidden Race (Can't Keep Up)

Is this what a typical break of the heart feels like?
Because I don't feel any of the pain
All their is, is a void I try to fill in vein
What can I do to feel again?
Instead of breaking my heart did she take it?
How can you steal what you never noticed?
I swear you never even focused
Look harder or looked back you would have noticed
But that day is long gone, your new bf has snatched your heart up
You can say that I'm eating his dust
Never even knew it was a race
Then all he would have saw was the side of my face
I would have done anything for you
To bad.. you have someone else in your view

The Heartbroken Phantom

It got to the point where I couldn't wake up without you on my mind
I enjoyed how it felt each and every time
But now it's a string of painful memories I put on rewind
I doubt I will ever be just fine
I believe you broke my heart, but you don't even know
It's a fact that I don't want anyone to know it
But tell me why I feel just fine?
Then I'm ready to cry at the drop of a dime?
Am I really over it?
Or it hurts so bad my brain hasn't registered it
But sadly that doesn't lessen the pain
No doubt I will ever feel the same
I'm screaming in pain but... nobody hears me
Am I a animal stuck in the zoo, please someone tell me what to do
I wish I could choose who I love so I could avoid this
But you can't escape the fact that YOUR my 2nd heartbreak
I just hate the fact that you don't even know it.

The Unsuccessful Lie

If you have to convince urself ur not in love... Newsflash you are

The Definition of Unstoppable

Nothing can stop me. I bust through a condom to get here

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Just So You Know...

I'm not a ENTIRELY depressed guy I'm just letting out what I have packed deep so people can understand that I'm not entirely 1-dimensional I'm not always happy.

Love Lost... Love Gained (The Cycle)

Im starting to get tired of the word "love" but o-well, what i would like to share is my recent "break" was the cause of not reacting fast enough I was being the nice guy. But I now know that will not get you nowhere, I was with my first "break" and it's pretty much similar to this one. Fell for my bestfriend but she didn't fall back the only sad part is this happened to me... twice. In a row

From Yourman To Noman

I don't think I will ever forget what happened it probably doesnt mean much to your side of the story but oddly enough it changed me forever. Life lessons come hard and quick they give you a chance to just sit... and think. Only after

Nothing (At All)

I feel... Nothing
A black hole of... Nothing
She meant alot to me now it's... Nothing
"I Love You" means... Nothing
Every memory of you is... Nothing
Things I've done for you equals... Nothing
Yet life goes on I can't be trying to catch the same fish in a big sea at all
There's too much fishing to be done in the fall
Cuddling season the distant memory of spending it with you... it's gone.
I hope fall doesn't last forever because I'll be freezing, but hey it's whatever
In the end it's... NOTHING

My Inner Thoughts Part 1: The Unkowingly Blind

I believe you have to leave where you are and what your doing for a little while to figure out why. People lose sight, think about it you might be blind right now too

The Physical Thought/Proof

This is where I illustrate all my thoughts and emotions down, the red one was filled up pretty quick now im on to the black n' white one. So if you go to my school if you see me fevershily writing in one of these I'm trying to capture my emotion at the moment I only have that one chance. You might as well call them journals/diary's I really don't care.

My Story

I wonder what my story has for me, who knows when my heartache will ever leave me be. I guess that's why people hate love just to be done with it. I still have hope that this isn't the end, my story has not reached a fin.

The Lamp In The Dark

I'm your secret admirer but what happens when you know? You know the pain your putting me through, but I still have to move on with a better view. My future should be bright but right now it's feeling really dim

What To Do...

What would you do if you find out love wasn't meant for you?

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

643 Days of Her

(500) Days of Summer [Blu-ray] with Digital Copy
This is currently my favorite movie. It just explains EXACTLY how i feel right now and its not just any other love story, it's more like real life you don't always get the girl

I Still Love You.... Just Wish I Didn't

I know full well its your birthday... Just cant bring myself to tell u to have a happy 1. I hate emotions

Nice Guys

I can be the nicest guy you ever met but everyone knows the nice guys finish last...

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Letting Go

 My thoughts of you are much grander than the beauty of your appearance
I would say "I Love You" but... those 3 words won't come out in a sentence
My feelings for you are strong yet I can tell you don't feel it
What can I do to make you notice, wait oh you got a new boyfriend?
I dont know what jealousy feels like but this might be it
I feel like were playing tag and I'm never it
I guess you only see me as a friend
I know I tell myself I'm over it
It's like my past sent me a txt expecting me to forward it
Part of being strong is looking strong, I've been taught
Yet it feels as if my foundation has been cracked
So what should I do now, I doubt these feelings for you will ever go down......

Not Needed (My Heart)

Was my heart broken so fast I couldn't feel the pain till now?
I never knew something could happen so fast
Tell me why I started feeling it today after passing notes in class
It seems like not noticing was her favorite task
I swore I told
With a determination that would never fold
Yet she went out and found her next boy
Leaving me without a heart like the tin man
But sadly I don't have Dorthy's shoes, cant get a blue's clue to find them
Or even a fed ex guy to deliver
But instead it feels like Hannibal Lector is feeding on my liver
Oops I meant to say heart, but I dont have one so where do I start?
Yet I can't shake the feeling like a small child's fart
My heart is not needed nor wanted

What I Thought We Had

What we had was so beautiful so true, i wish i could have seen it from an outside view

Emotions Belong In The Trash

I wish my feelings didn't get in the way of what we had, then maybe this story wouldn't have turned so sad

I Hate You... I Think.

Do I hate you? thats a good question where should I start?
I would like to say "I Do" for what you've done to my heart
See how "I Do" can be changed around?
A new future wife is what I thought I found
I couldn't think of anyone else better
That's why I always thought "I should go and tell her"
But I waited too long to tell it
I wish i was a child so I can throw a fit
But my mature side is telling me to sit
I know I told her "I Love You" more than once
I guess she took it as platonic friendship love
I was seeing them releasing white doves
I was looking to far in my future
While my present was left in shambles
Why didn't I take a gamble?
In the end I would LOVE to say "I Hate You"
But I doubt I will ever stop loving you....