Saturday, December 11, 2010

Love(1)+No Love(-1)=Heartache(0)

With all that's happened I have forgotten the definition of a chance
Because it seems everyone I take leads my life into a slant
It's like I'm a washed out rapper looking for fans
But in the end I guess people don't really give a damn
My life so far is 1 long math problem why give it a chance?
I know even if I ask you woldn't save me the last dance
It's as simple as that you don't love me
I'm not gonna stick around and be a doormat at your feet
I love you, but I don't deserve that
It's time for me to trim this extra fat
It's as simple as a face slap
I have to move on, I can't keep asking for your love on loan
I'm one of the few who didn't just want "some"
I hope you have the best life and all
It's just sad that I'm not gonna be in it in the upcoming fall.

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