Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Heart Dive

Do you know what I want you to do?
To break up with your boyfriend so it'll be just me and you
But that's just my inner childish view
My mature side knows that's not gonna happen
The best thing for me is to move on without distraction
I can't give in to my inner need for satisfaction
I'm honestly sad that this has even happened
I wish I kept my heart strapped in
Because I was ready to give it to you
You didn't notice and I SWEAR thats not even cool
It's like I handed you my heart and you through it in the pool
The deep end, just knowing I cant even swim
But here I dive trying to save it
You can't just give your heart to anybody
My doctor say's I need it to pump blood through my body
Now-a-Days when I see you my heart remember what you did
I'm not telling a fib, but it still hurts.

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