Sunday, May 15, 2011

Love = Pain

Love is pain but why do we choose to be hurt again and again?
Maybe it's human nature?
Maybe that's why people still watch the Lakers...
Is love what keeps us together, yet keeps us apart
So sharp like a sword yet soft like a feather
Maybe that's why we give it a squeeze
Love is like a panda before it grows
Soft and cuddly now but wait until it grows...
It will RIP your heart out no R.I.P. for you
Leaving your thoughts cloudier than milk in water
See what love does to you?
Don't underestimate or doubt it
Love is like rubber it will ALWAYS bounce back to you
I have been popped more than once and it really hurts...
Who knew you would give me so much work
Love I'm taking you and burying you in the freaking DIRT
R.I.P. Pain(Love)