Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Reverse Turkey (Bowling For Love)

Is this what you planned?
It seems as if my love life is in a permanent jam
No... I'm not blaming you
But I'm always feeling the blues
It's like the american news, stuck on tragedy
So there's nothing nice to see
Send me to the UK if I was a Prince I would voluntarily get banished
You see what I mean?
My life is nothing but a bad dream
When I write unless it's from the heart
Sense is word that it just won't make
I'm on my unlucky roll I hope someone can break it
In bowling terms I've just won a turkey
Too bad it's the opposite of win
Every girl I try to love just wants to hurt me
To quote a song "Love's lost, Love's GONE"
My thoughts of the past still makes me groan
My love life is like a house built out of foam
All it does is gets blown
"Well sucks for you!" Brain says to the heart.