Tuesday, June 26, 2012

New Things...

Yea so I haven't blogged here in like a year... partly because I forgot I had a blog and partly because I moved to tumblr and I don't really write anymore... so if anybody cares which i seriously doubt you can catch me on nerdyj.tumblr.com or/and my twitter: @DontBeAHeadAss hit me up I like to talk...

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Long Wait

I know i havent been really on here lately but I have been through some huge changes in my life I graduated high school (barely thanks to this 1 teacher) and my parents got a divorce and I have had to move out my house.... I don't even have a computer anymore (long story) but I do have a shitload of things to write about now and i will start posting asap

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Love = Pain

Love is pain but why do we choose to be hurt again and again?
Maybe it's human nature?
Maybe that's why people still watch the Lakers...
Is love what keeps us together, yet keeps us apart
So sharp like a sword yet soft like a feather
Maybe that's why we give it a squeeze
Love is like a panda before it grows
Soft and cuddly now but wait until it grows...
It will RIP your heart out no R.I.P. for you
Leaving your thoughts cloudier than milk in water
See what love does to you?
Don't underestimate or doubt it
Love is like rubber it will ALWAYS bounce back to you
I have been popped more than once and it really hurts...
Who knew you would give me so much work
Love I'm taking you and burying you in the freaking DIRT
R.I.P. Pain(Love)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Reverse Turkey (Bowling For Love)

Is this what you planned?
It seems as if my love life is in a permanent jam
No... I'm not blaming you
But I'm always feeling the blues
It's like the american news, stuck on tragedy
So there's nothing nice to see
Send me to the UK if I was a Prince I would voluntarily get banished
You see what I mean?
My life is nothing but a bad dream
When I write unless it's from the heart
Sense is word that it just won't make
I'm on my unlucky roll I hope someone can break it
In bowling terms I've just won a turkey
Too bad it's the opposite of win
Every girl I try to love just wants to hurt me
To quote a song "Love's lost, Love's GONE"
My thoughts of the past still makes me groan
My love life is like a house built out of foam
All it does is gets blown
"Well sucks for you!" Brain says to the heart.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Writing Block

The reason why I haven't been posting lately is because I have writers block. It's not fun at all, I have gotten over my heart ache and I can't write about nothing like I use too. All I have is old things I have wrote but you know the subject about those, trying to move forward but it looks like I will be posting backwards.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Definition of L O V E

I really believe what is believed to be the definition of love is wrong. Music, Movies, TV, and anybody who explains it to you has it wrong. I believe love is what you make of it, basically you make your own definition to it your own rules. In the end if it feels right in your heart thats all that matters

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Just Try To Pull Me Down (Calf Clawers)

The way I see it you can say whatever you want about me. It wont change who I am and what I was born to do. In fact you just told me exactly what you want to be doing for the rest of your life. Bringing people down to your level.

The Giver

I honestly dont have anything else to say.
positive or negative.
I give out so much I never stop to think about receiving.
guess i dont deserve... "Love."
Because if I give in to my desire to only recieve,
Where does that path lead?
What happens to me?
"Love's is gone, Love's lost" I believe Drake got it right
Yet my silly heart always puts up a fight.
My brain already know the end, that's why I choose not think again
The truth hurts, whoever said that deserves an Oscar
I'm through with this emotion and you, I clearly hit the ground
It hurts that I had to give you a clue
For that I'll give you another one
Adios my good friend, it's time to change my view

Sunday, December 26, 2010